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Moore, Gigi - Desiree's Lone Wolves [The Double R, Book 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

  The Double R 2

  Desiree's Lone Wolves

  Ten years ago, Carson and Sam Quarry’s father died in a freak accident. Carson doesn’t believe it was any accident and makes it no secret that he believes their pack alpha, Remy Bastien, killed their father.

  When Carson commits the most heinous offense a shifter can commit against another shifter, it gives Remy just the opening he needs to get Carson and Sam’s mother right where he’s always wanted her—mated to him.

  The family makes it their business to keep a low profile at The Double R. This is an easy enough task before Desiree Jensen, a conservative city slicker with painful secrets of her own, lands at the ranch, too.

  Despite her quiet and sheltered existence, Desiree is a lot stronger than she seems. Is she strong enough, however, to survive the fatal charms of two wolf shifters from her wildest dreams, especially when one is marked for death?

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 74,859 words


  The Double R, Book 2

  Gigi Moore


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Gigi Moore

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-329-7

  First E-book Publication: February 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  The Double R, Book 2


  Copyright © 2012


  The Double R, McCoy, Colorado

  Six months ago

  Sam Quarry nipped his older brother on the back of the neck, and Carson whimpered before turning to tackle Sam onto his back. He planted his large front paws firmly in Sam’s chest and bent to nip Sam’s ear, eliciting a good-natured yelp before Sam pushed Carson off and rolled to all fours.

  The pair went at it like this for a long while, growling and circling each other, biting and wrestling until Sam finally submitted, rolling onto his back and exposing his vulnerable throat and underside. He drew his paws into his body just for good measure and to let his brother know that he was tired of the game. He waited for Carson to accept his surrender.

  Like the big bad dominant asshole that he was, though, Carson decided to make his younger brother sweat, standing stiff legged and tall with his ears erect and his tail vertical and curled toward his back.

  Carson stared at him so hard Sam swore that he was looking at their former pack alpha, Remy Bastien. When Carson finally strutted over, Sam held his breath, waiting before Carson pinned him to the ground and lowered his snout to Sam’s throat. If it had been any other wolf, Sam knew that he’d have been dead a long time ago, but it was his brother, and Sam knew that Carson would die before he let anyone or anything harm Sam. Sam felt the same way about Carson. He would die to protect his brother if he had to. Thankfully, in the last year and a half since they had been at The Double R, neither of them had found a reason to fight to the death against anyone, and the most blood that had been shed proved accidental and during these little impromptu brawls in which he and Carson occupied themselves. They engaged in these tussles more as a diversion, to work up a sweat and feed their animals’ hunter instincts, than to inflict damage or pain. Sometimes, however, the latter could not be avoided, especially when an overzealous alpha like his brother got carried away with the dominance act.

  Sam shifted to his human form—bones rearranging, brown fur receding—before he lay naked beneath his brother within a minute. He reached up with both hands and wrapped his fingers around his brother’s thick, black-furred neck. “I give up already. Let me up, craneur.”

  Carson shifted to human form and chuckled before releasing his brother to crouch on his haunches nearby. “I’ll be your show-off, peeshwank.”

  Sam laughed as he pushed to his full height of six feet. Only Carson would call someone six feet and a hundred and ninety pounds a “runt,” but then he guessed he was a runt next to Carson, just not by that much.

  “I’m gonna go clean up before we get back to the house.” Sam headed for the stream several yards away and didn’t hesitate to splash around and cool off, getting himself nice and wet before his brother joined him. He turned toward shore when Carson ambled over, and he watched his brother’s sleek-muscled form beneath the moonlight right before Carson submerged himself in the water beside Sam.

  He splashed himself as Sam had before him, shaking excess water from his black hair before he pushed a hand through the waves to his nape. “You put up a good fight. You’re getting a lot better. Daddy would’ve been proud.”

  Sam’s chest filled at the compliment, though he was thinking more of what the copper-skinned beauty at The Double R would have thought at seeing his physical prowess against his brother
and not whether or not their dad would have been proud.

  Would she have been horrified or fascinated by his and Carson’s wolf forms?

  He already knew for a fact that someone on the ranch turned her on, and he wasn’t too modest to believe that it was him and Carson, since he smelled her arousal on the wind whenever he and his brother got near her. These occasions remained few and far between since the lady did her best to stick close to the main house and rarely ventured out and about except to go to and come from work. Whenever she did happen to stumble across them around the ranch, she shied away like a scared filly, but never before Sam caught that scent.

  What he wouldn’t give for just a minute to know what went through her mind. What he wouldn’t give to know what she thought of him and his brother. However, he’d been forbidden from getting to know her any better than as a passing acquaintance and the family of one of The Double R’s owners—basically, his employers. It wasn’t wise to fraternize with the bosses under normal circumstances, but when one was on the run and in hiding like him, Carson, and their mama, it paid to be even more vigilant than normal.

  Granted, it was nighttime and far enough away from the ranch and the general human population that there proved barely any risk of being seen. However, they still took a chance shifting to their animal forms to tussle and play like they didn’t have any sense. They did it because nature remained nature and some things just couldn’t be denied, especially the need to stretch their muscles and feed the desires of their animals.

  * * * *

  The boys had come a long way since leaving the pack back in Louisiana with their mother, turning into young men a father could be proud of.

  Remy had wanted that honor but had been deprived of it by their mother’s willfulness.

  She thought to protect her boys from him. She thought to protect herself. Did she not understand that he had only their best interests at heart? Did she not understand that he only wanted to take care of all of them? Did she not understand that there was no escape from him if he really wanted her? Helena and her boys had remained free as long as they had only because Remy had wished it, only because he had allowed it.

  He understood Helena’s fear, her hesitance. She had been a widow after all, still mourning the death of her husband and her boys’ father. Remy remained a patient man, but his patience grew thin. He had given her enough time, five years in fact—ten if he counted the five years between Ben’s death and Helena and the boys finally going on the run—and miles of space.

  Watching from a far-enough distance that the young men wouldn’t pick up his scent, Remy raised the high-powered binoculars to his eyes to peer at Carson and Sam as they horsed around in the stream. He smiled at their playfulness.

  The older one, specifically, fascinated Remy in a way he had not been fascinated in a long time. He remembered the teen and the young man Carson had been. He had admired the boy’s quiet strength and natural fighting skills. He had been an alpha in the making back then, a threat that his son Duane could not ignore, and a rarity born of a hybrid female and a beta male. He wondered how well Carson Guidry, or Quarry, as the family had assumed, would do in a fight against him. Killing a peer in a fair fight was one thing, but challenging an alpha male like him, one with decades more experience and nothing to lose, would prove another thing altogether.

  Remy licked his lips, anticipating the showdown, for he knew it would come down to a battle with the boy if he wanted to win the mother. He just hoped Helena would forgive him for the inevitable outcome.

  Chapter 1

  The Double R, McCoy, Colorado

  Current day

  Desiree Jensen knew she dreamed because she had never been so turned on before in her life. She wouldn’t allow this current type of heat and lust to ever seize her. She couldn’t.

  Lust meant only two things—loss of control and recklessness—and neither boded well for her. She left both to her younger sister, Maia. One reckless and unrealistic daughter in the Jensen clan was enough. The jury was still out on her older sister, however. First, Tamara wasn’t technically a Jensen, and despite moving to Colorado with her mother and Maia and living on The Double R for just under a year, Desiree still hadn’t gotten to know Tamara as well as she knew Maia. It wasn’t for lack of trying. Tamara just had better things to do than getting to know two long-lost younger sisters that their mother had failed to tell her about. Tamara was a newlywed and busy doing all the hot and lusty things a newlywed did with her new husband, Jess Reynolds, and his twin brother, Jax.

  Desiree groaned and shuddered now in her sleep, unsure if she reacted to the idea of having two strapping men at her beck and call the way Tamara had or if she reacted to the vision of the two faceless men stalking her in the woods.

  She’d never ventured too far beyond the edges of the ranch by herself, and this was another reason she knew she dreamed. Admittedly, she wasn’t as curious and fearless as her sisters and had no desire to see what lay beyond the woods that bordered The Double R.


  She knew she was being ridiculous. Unlike Maia, willing to fly halfway across the country simply on the basis of a dream, Desiree had researched the area to which she, her mother, and her sister had all been destined. She had read up on Colorado’s wildlife and knew that wolves had been extirpated from the ecosystem since the 1940s. There had been a couple of rare sightings near the Colorado-Wyoming border since gray wolves had been reintroduced into the ecosystems of Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Arizona, but nothing more.

  Desiree had read about proposals to reintroduce the wolf to the wilderness ecosystem of Colorado, but ranchers in the area were dead set against it.

  She supposed she should be comforted by all this, but from her research, Desiree knew that dispersing wolves—especially single, male wolves—could travel long distances, and it was just a matter of time before wolves started migrating into Colorado from the north and south.

  Maybe her delving so deep into the issue had been a little too meticulous, even for her. It had done nothing but taint her expectations of Colorado, with Desiree now expecting to encounter wild wolves at every turn, despite the facts.

  However, none of this explained why she kept seeing two wolves in her dreams along with the two faceless men.

  Were the animals and the men connected in some way?

  Desiree shook her head, logic overriding fanciful possibilities even in her sleep.

  She licked her lips as the faceless figures moved out of the shadows, morphing from naked, broad-shouldered men to large timber wolves to men and back to wolves again before charging toward her.

  Desiree woke with a scream, cotton pj tank and shorts clinging to her sweat-soaked body as she sprang to a sitting position in bed. Her skin wasn’t the only thing wet, and she felt heat rush to her face at the thought of her arousal right before Maia burst into her room with half the household not too far behind her, from the sounds of it.

  Desiree squirmed in her bed, her arousal becoming more obvious, at least to her. Her panties were soaked!

  “What in tarnation?”

  Desiree blinked as someone hit the switch for the overhead, bathing the room in light from the seven-bulb chandelier. Before she could object, Maia rushed across the carpeted floor to her side and sat on the bed.

  “Oh, Desi, was it the wolves again?”

  Desiree grinned at the protective way Maia pushed damp, stray tendrils away from her face and caressed her cheek. She was the older sister, if only by more than two years. She was supposed to comfort Maia. Granted, she had done her share of comforting when they had been kids and Maia had first started to have her “visions.”

  “I’ll be okay,” Desiree croaked, more mortified than frightened as she raised her gaze to glance at everyone crowded into her bedroom. As large as the suite proved—about as big as the one-bedroom condo she had given up in New York to move here—she still felt a little claustrophobic. “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”
br />   “No trouble,” Jess or Jax said. After almost a year, Desiree still had some difficulty figuring out who was who.

  “Sure you’re okay, baby?” her mother asked.

  “I’m fine, Mom. You guys can all go back to bed.”

  “If you’re sure,” Tamara said.

  Desiree smiled up at her, still unaccustomed to not being the oldest sister.

  She watched as everyone filed out of her bedroom, all except Maia, who hadn’t moved from her place on the bed.

  Maia remained silent until she heard the door snick closed behind their mother. As soon as they were alone, she turned to Desiree with concern in her eyes. “They’re getting worse, aren’t they?”

  Desiree shrugged. She didn’t want to deal with her sister’s interrogations, not when she felt so vulnerable and still so damned turned on. Her nipples tingled at the idea of the wolves charging toward her and what they would have done to her in the dream once they reached her.

  Would they have changed back to men right before they reached her? What would the men have done to her?

  Desiree shifted her legs under the lightweight comforter, her pussy sizzling and moist.

  What kind of twisted, bestiality, ménage a trois fantasies did she entertain?

  “They’re just dreams. They don’t mean anything,” she said as if to convince someone.

  “I think it means more than you think when you keep dreaming about wolves in a state where they barely exist, according to you. Do you know something we all don’t know?”